Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Well, as you may notice from the date of my last post, extra time has been pretty sparce and my blogsite has suffered as a result. My blogsite is not the only thing that has suffered as a result of my busy schedule. It is the same old story that has probably happened to all of us at one point of another or maybe at more than one point. The hustle and bustle of life slowly edges out my walk with the Lord. I lose sight of the big picture.

I love to look at the sky. It is one of those interesting contradictions that exist within the wonderful universe created by our Lord. One day it can be a bright blue with floating white clouds, and another day it can be a turbulent array of different shades of gray. Yet regardless of the fact that the sky looks entirely different from one day to the next, it is always the same in some sense. It is always an ever present reminder of the greatness of God.

I have stopped noticing the sky. I walk beneath its awesomeness and glory each day and fail to appreciate its majesty and grandeur. Nary a glance heavenward do I cast, in my determination to get to "wherever" on time. Running from here to there, the only thing on my mind seems to be the next thing on my list. What a sad state I have found myself in. Caught up in a state of chaos that I myself have created, but have no way of saving myself from. I rush through each day without the grace and peace of the Lord that is readily available to me.

But the Lord, like the sky, is always there, ready to forgive me. His grace and mercy once again bring into focus the big picture. My life here on earth is not about getting things done, it is about serving the Lord and sharing the Gospel with those who do not know it. When I am able to view the things of this world from this eternal perspective, the peace returns.

To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy - to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, throught Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.

I noticed the sky today.


At 4:49 PM, Blogger Mark said...


How true! My thoughts echoe your reflection. It is easy to get caught up in our everyday lives. I am going to be leaving soon, for a long period of time. So there are many things that I have to and want to do. I am leaving to serve as a missionary, yet because of all the stuff I choose to do before I leave, it can be easy to neglect the One I should be serving while I am here in Iowa.

I don't know, I guess it's easy to go lose focus, even when you think your focus is where it should be. The devil is wiley, but the Lord is forgiving.

At 3:09 AM, Blogger Anna said...

Dear Cassie,
Thank you. You have a talent for making me look at myself deeper than I bother to otherwise. I hope you don't mind that I somewhat "stole" your topic in my own blog, though I think you've said things here in a most beautiful way!
I also love the sky. :) Interestingly enough, I was noting the beauty of it while driving to the airport this evening, when I was suddenly distracted by police cars zipping by to an accident scene. I became discouraged and didn't wonder at the sky any further. Hmm. But you're so right. We have a gracious and merciful God who will continue to display His love throughout His creation... which includes the sky, and, I pray, our hearts.

At 11:35 AM, Blogger Samuel said...

There is a gross miscalculation in your post, and it is nothing major, but it shall be the topic of this entry. I am afraid and sad to tell you that the Sky will not always be over your head...
What happens on that day, when the sky is no longer over your head? We as a people and as a human have to ask the question. There is a great song that dares the believer to ask the same question of God, "What if God stopped trying, and simply went away, with tear drops on His face?"
I think this point that you make although true, God is there for the believer, can be taken to the point of unnappreciation. We appreciate the sky because as you say, it is always going to be there, and I tell you one day it will not. Does this make it a greater priority to look up into the blue? Does it weigh heavy one your heart and make you feel like you need to spend more time staring into the heavens? What if I told you God would not always be there? Would it put an urgency into your soul to worship God more? More meaningfully and for greater lengths, to actually pray for longer than 10 minutes in the passing time between TV and Sleep? I am a believer, and know the truth you speak because it is clear in scripture, but nothing should ever be taken for granted.


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