Thursday, October 06, 2005

As you may be able to discern from previous posts, there is no rhyme or reason to the things I write here. I simply sit down at the computer and go. Sometimes I begin with a specific story in mind and others I begin with a feeling on my heart. The latter is the case today. I am continually amazed and awestruck when God's grace is revealed to me more fully. What can we say or do in response to all that we have been given? I cannot even write about the joy that I experience when the Lord shows to me all of my many weaknesses and faults. Yes, joy, because then I truly see how much Christ loves me. Sometimes, ok a lot of the time, I can wrap myself in a shroud of pride that blinds me to who I really am, and through that blindness, my view of Christ becomes all the more obscure. I am constantly, everyday in need of saving. I would have given up on me long ago, but Christ does not. He saves me from sin and myself day in and day out. I cannot comprehend such love. Even more, that love and forgiveness is given so completely and so freely.

Amazement. That is the word I would use to describe how I am feeling at the moment. I often ask the Lord for more wisdom and knowledge, and each time the Lord answers my prayer by pointing me back to the cross. I was talking to a friend the other day and telling him about how some people in the congregations here do not know English, but they do know one phrase. "Jesus loves you." His reply was that this phrase was pretty much all that they needed. I whole-heartedly agree.

So this entry is not an update on the happenings here or a glimpse of the things I have seen in Macau, it is just an out pouring of praise for the Lord and for all that he has done. Praise for all that is happening inside of me and depsite of me, and praise for a clearer view of the Lord.

Thank you Lord for breaking me and my will to reveal yourself more fully. Thank you.


At 8:47 AM, Blogger Samuel said...

Yes, I am


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