Friday, February 17, 2006

Apparently, I like junk. Added to that trait is a proficiency in accumulating it. Put those two together and viola, you come up with my present situation. I have recently moved into a new apartment and while the apartment it wonderful (it even has a bathtub!!!) I just have entirely too much stuff. Yeah, at this point you are probably calculating just how long I have been here (6 months) and thinking to yourself "how can you get that much junk in such a short time". I agree and believe me, as I am shifting through the left over junk, uh, I mean treasures, from previous tenants and shifting through the junk that I have have brought over from my apartment, the picture of a trash bin keeps springing to mind.

But for some reason, and I do not know when I developed this trait, I keep telling myself, "one day you will be glad that you kept that." You know they are small things like plane tickets from trips or a little note that someone wrote me. Like I said, I don't know when I developed this trait, because in the past I have been a less than sentimental person. I threw everything away. Now I can throw nothing away. I am going to blame it on Heather. You must have rubbed off on me. Who knows, maybe I will take up scrap-booking... Nah.

Oh yeah, and if you are wondering the point of this rambling entry, it was to inform you that I have moved:)


At 9:29 AM, Blogger Paula McLeskey said...

OK, you have moved, now we need new pictures. Still enjoy reading your post, and am glad you are doing well. We miss you. P.S. take if from me, through that stuff away that you arent going to use. It takes up needed space.HA!I would love for you to visit my blog Cassie, ther are some new pictures on it. Take care

At 9:31 AM, Blogger Paula McLeskey said...

Mistake on blog link, here is the correct one


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