Sunday, December 04, 2005

Christmas in Macau

It is December 4th, 21 days until Christmas, and nary a thought of the holiday season has entered my mind. Until I spoke with a friend back home tonight. Christmas here in Macau is strictly a commercial holiday. There is no attempt made to pretend that the celebration of this holiday is for any other purpose than to make money. Maybe that is why I have given relatively little thought to my favorite time of the year. Maybe it is because Christmas over here is different. It is still something that is new to me. I do not know what to expect and there are no strong and poignant memories attached to the season here in Macau. Ok so the real reason is probably because I do not want to get homesick.

Strong and poignant memories rushed to the forefront of my mind, however, as tonight I reminisced with an old roommate about how we had decorated for Christmas just the year before. She worried about the tree situation over here in Macau. Would I have a tree and did I have Christmas music, she wondered. I reassured her that yes I do have a Christmas tree and, of course, I have my Christmas music (I listen to it throughout the year). She seemed relieved until I told her that I had yet to put up my tree, nor had I broken out the music. I tell you all of this to explain why it is now 1:03 am and I am still awake and on the computer. I put up my Christmas tree and put on my music. No need to worry, all is well. Below is a picture of my tree.

In case you did not figure it out, that is not really my tree. The next one is, but really, who can even tell the difference?

I have no reason for the above picture, but it was too good not to share. Yes, that is Chris sitting at a baby grand piano, in the midst of a roped off Christmas display, in a huge mall in Hong Kong. I think this photo was taken at the exact moment Chris realized that the mall security guard had him in his sights. And if I were one to title my pictures, I think I would have to name this one "Oh, ____" (you can fill in the blank with your word of choice) or maybe "Caught". More later. I am going to bed.


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