Thursday, April 06, 2006

"I Gave Up Alcohol for Lent"

These words were the beginning of the following conversation I had with a friend, who shall remain anonymous.

"I gave up alcohol for lent" said my friend.

"Really?" I replied.

"Yeah, I haven't had any alcohol, well, except one time when I swallowed a bug and then I had to drink a beer" said my friend.

"Good excuse, Trish (oops, so much for anonymity)" I replied sarcastically.

"No really," she said, "I was riding in the car and I swallowed a huge bug and the only thing in the car to drink was a beer. No one would believe me when I told them how big the bug was, but then I felt something on my tongue and I got TWO LEGS off of my tongue! And then I wiped them on Brock (laughter). The bug wouldn't go down so I had to take a drink of Brock's beer and it was his leftover beer, so it tasted like horse pee."

Yes this conversation actually took place. Many have taken place in the past, and I don't foresee the cessation of such conversations in the future. Fun times!! Well that was my fun for the day and I thought I would share it with everyone, with Trish's permission of course.

And to my bug-eating, beer-drinking and apparently horse pee-drinking friend, Cheers!


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