I have been struggling lately and as usual, it took the Lord to show me the source of my struggle. Anger. I have been angry at my friends here for their stubborn hearts, at the way they blame God for their lack of faith. "It is hard for the Chinese people to believe in Jesus, because that means many of our ancestors are in hell now". I have heard this thought many, many times from my friends. They want to know why Jesus came to the "western" people and not to the Chinese people. In essence what they are saying is that because Jesus did not reveal Himself in the way they think He should have, they can't believe.
Stop blaming God for your hardened hearts! Repent and turn to Jesus! Stop rejecting this gracious gift He is offering!
Then there is my atheist friend that believes science holds the answer to everything and if we wait long enough all of the questions we have will be answered. Can science fill that big, gaping wound in your heart? No. And while you are waiting for your questions to be answered by science, you will find yourself separated from the true answer for eternity.
Stop looking for solutions within yourself! Repent and turn to Jesus! Stop rejecting this gracious gift He is offering!
Now to myself, does the fact that my friends (and myself) are stubborn, unrepentant sinners mean that Jesus loves them (and me) any less? Does it mean that they are less deserving of my prayers, love and tears?
"I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent" Luke 15:7
No, it does not.
Stop hardening my heart to these souls crying out in anguish! Repent and turn to Jesus! Stop rejecting the gracious gift he is offering!
Praise God that He is everything we are not. His love, mercy and patience knows no bounds. He hears the cry of anguished souls and gives himself.
Please pray for my friends here, that they may repent and turn to the source of all, our Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray for me that I may repent and turn to the Lord to be cleansed and used as He would see fit. Lord draw us all closer to you for the sake of your Son, Jesus.